The negative shows the so-called sarcophagus of Caecilia Metella (2nd cent. A.D.). The denomination is due to the fact that it was found in 1500 during the excavation ordered by Pope 3rd Farnese in the area of Caecilia Metella’s Tomb. It had nothing to do with the Roman lady’s burial that was from a previous era. The monumental strigilated sarcophagus was later moved, at the request of the pontifex, in the courtyard of Palazzo Farnese where is now exhibited. During the centuries it was depicted by several artists, like Piranesi and Labruzzi.

Accession number D002761
B/W negative.

Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione

Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale (ICCD)

A. Ambrogi, Il sarcofago cosiddetto di Cecilia Metella: ambito produttivo e cronologico, in Xenia antiqua, 6, 1997, pp. 39-80.