Drawing of the Altar of San Cesareo de Appia, named “San Cesareo in Palatio” in the inscription in the upper center.

Accession number Bib. 2472
Pencil on laid paper
Johann Anton Ramboux, Treviri 1790 – 1866 Colonia
Max. 18.8 x max. 26.8 cm

On the top left: 1 weis/ 2 gelb/ 3 (not readable) bl/ 4 birot/ 5 grün/ 6 sch; in the upper center: A S. Cesarii in Palatio.

Städel Museum (storage)

Städel Museum

View of the Roman Campagna from the ancient Via Appia. The artist depicts a landscape with ruins, animal figures and a sitting shepherd; the mountains stand out in the background.

Accession number 5388
Grey and brown ink and watercolour over pencil traces, on ribbed laid paper
Jakob Philipp Hackert, Prenzlau 1737 – 1807 San Pietro di Careggi
Approximately 1775
50.5 x 66.3 cm

Städel Museum (storage)

Städel Museum

Relief representing Homer in the presence of Zeus, Apollo and the Muses: in the scene the poet is honoured and crowned in front of several personifications. The find, bearing the name of the sculptor Archelaos of Priene, dates back to the Ptolemaic age and it was probably produced in Alexandria, Egypt.
Accession number 1819,0812.1
Height approximately 1.21 m; width approximately 0.76 m
225-205 B.C. (reign of Ptolemy Philopator)
Found on the Via Appia, at Bovillae
The British Museum (storage)
The British Museum
C.T. Newton – E.L. Hicks – G. Hirschfeld – F.H. Marshall (eds.), The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum, I-IV, London, British Museum, 1874-1916.
F.N. Pryce – A.H. Smith, Catalogue of Greek Sculpture in the British Museum, I-III, London, BMP, 1892-1928.

Wall painting with representation of a standing female figure dressed in a tunic and cape and depicted while holding an umbrella.

Accession number P 60
Fresco painting
Height 33.3 cm; width 28.3 cm
Complete; restored in 2014
200/250 A.D.

Found on the ancient Via Appia

Musée du Louvre (not on display)

Musée du Louvre

F. Gaultier – L. Haumesser – A. Trofimova (curated by), Un rêve d’Italie. La collection du marquis Campana, Paris, Lienart/Musée du Louvre, 2018, p. 264, n. 291.

V. Tran Tam Tinh, Catalogue des peintures romaines (Latium et Campanie) du Musée du Louvre, Paris, Éditions des Musées Nationaux, 1974, p. 89, fig. 82, n. 70.

Bust of M. Ulpius Crotonensis, freedman of Trajan.

Accession number Ma 1002; MR 599; N 768
Marble in the round
Height 67 cm; width 45 cm; depth 22 cm
Complete, but the upper part of the acanthus leaf and a fragment of the left earlobe are missing.
112/117 A.D.

Found on the Via Appia

Musée du Louvre (storage)

Musée du Louvre

K. de Kersauson, Musée du Louvre. Catalogue des portraits romains, Tome II: De l’année de la guerre civile, 68-69 après J.-C., à la fin de l’Empire, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1996, pp. 100-101, n. 38.

J.-L. Martinez, Les antiques du Musée Napoléon. Edition illustrée et commentée des volumes V et VI de l’inventaire du Louvre de 1810, Paris, RMN, 2004, p. 363, n. 0712.

Altar with the epitaph of Caius Oclatius Aprilis, in Latin (CIL VI.23221). The inscription is framed by a molding; two other boxes on the sides enclose a patera (on the right) and an oinochoe (on the left), respectively. At the top, a dentil decoration runs along all sides (except on the back of the altar).
Inscription: D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum)/ C(aio) Oclatio/ Aprili/ v(ixit) a(nnis) XXVI m(ensibus) V/ Aquillia/ Alexandria/ b(ene) m(erenti) fecit.
Translation: “Sacred to Manes; to Caius Oclatius Aprilis, (who) lived twenty-six years, five months, well-deserving, Aquillia Alexandria made (this monument)”.

Accession number MND 1738; MNDá1738; Ma 3902
Marble; engraving
Height 29 cm; width 11.5 cm; depth 7.5 cm
Intact; the letters of the inscription were repainted red
Roman imperial age

Found in a columbarium of the Via Latina in the eighteenth century

Musée du Louvre (storage)

Musée du Louvre

CIL VI/ Inscriptiones urbis Romae Latinae (23221), Berlin, 1876-1894.

S. Ducroux, Catalogue analytique des inscriptions latines sur pierre conservées au Musée du Louvre, Paris, Musée du Louvre, 1975, p. 137, n. 490.

Statue of a child playing with the goose, Roman copy of a Greek original probably dating to the 2nd century BC. The work entered the Musée du Louvre collection in 1801 and was found on the via Appia, at Villa dei Quintili. Four ancient copies are preserved in other different museums.

Accession number Ma 40; MR 168; N 223
Pentelic marble; sculpture in the round
Height 93 cm; width 69.5 cm; depth 65 cm
Incomplete work; marble additions were made by Lisandroni.
100/200 AD

Found on the via Appia, at Villa dei Quintili

Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre

J.-L. Martinez, La Grèce au Louvre, Paris, Somogy éditions d’art, 2010, p. 173.
A. Pasquier – J.-L. Martinez, 100 chefs-d’oeuvre de la sculpture grecque au Louvre, Paris, Somogy éditions d’art, 2007, pp. 212-213.
A. Ricci, La Villa dei Quintili. Fonti scritte e fonti figurate, Roma, Lithos, 1998, p. 90, n. 21, pl. 5.

View of the sepulchre of Pisone Liciniano, from the volume “Vedute di Roma”.

Accession number 11,92-1963
Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Mogliano Veneto 1720 – 1778 Roma
41.5 x 61.5 cm

Below in the middle: A View of the sepulchre of Pisone Liciniano on the ancient Via Appia, beyond the aqueducts/ of Torre di mezza via d’Albano: whose work is all made of earthenware. B Tomb of the/ Cornelia family, deprived of its ornaments. C Ruins of other ancient sepulchres.

Kupferstichkabinett (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin)


View of the St. Sebastian basilica outside the walls, along the Via Appia Antica (in the upper part of the sheet) and country house near Rome (in the lower part).

Accession number SM SKB C.039 = SM Skb.C Nr. 6
Graphite and brown ink pen (preliminary drawing made in graphite) on hand-made paper (vergé)
Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Neuruppin 1781 – 1841 Berlino
29.2 x 21.6 cm

Kupferstichkabinett (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin)
